Equality: Social Equality In The United States

Words: 646
Pages: 3

The term equality is typically used to express that all of humanity is created equal. Perhaps to define equality in the simplest way, one may think of it as the absence of social classes and unjust opportunities. Equality has been prevalent for as long as man, and has continually been evolving along with our societies. There are many different types of equality: civil equality, gender equality, economic equality, religious equality, and educational equality. Civil equality is all citizens enjoying the same civil rights and social treatments. No citizens receive special social advantages and all receive the same civil rights and justices. When there is full social equality, there should be no distinction in races, classes, castes, or clans. People of all income levels should also be treated equally. One familiar example of social quality, or lack thereof, is the “separate but equal” laws upheld by the Supreme Court’s ruling in Plessy vs. Ferguson in the late 1800’s. Decades later, the federal government struck down the ruling and granted civil equality to American citizens. Gender equality is one of the most prevalent equalities being fought for in America today. Gender equality is making sure both men and women are granted the same education, opportunities, and …show more content…
Economic equality is assuring all citizens are entitled to the same economic opportunities so they may choose their own economic path. A Capitalist economic system makes economic equality impossible. Capitalist economies feed on inequality because the wealthy business owners thrive to drive wages lower and create a large income gap to benefit themselves. Having a federal minimum wage illustrates the aforementioned principle. Minimum wages protect and keep the wage gap. Economic equality is only possible in Socialist economics because of the way wealth is shared amongst the entire