The Basics
For each theorist, identify and explain the important relationships among and between concepts. In other words, explain the theories of Marx, Habermas, and Bordieu.
Marx’s concept is that human history began with the first economic act, and that history moves, or society changes as economic production changes. He also believes the principal way humans survive is through the economy, so there is natural connection between the worker and the product. Habermas’ believed that there are three kinds of knowledge and interests: empirical, analytic knowledge that is interested in the technical control of the environment, hermeneutic or interpretive knowledge that is interested in emancipation. Bordieu sees that the reproduction of class inequalities is based on more that classic definition of capital. He defines our four forms of capital, economic, social, symbolic and cultural.
Skill Set 1
What does Habermas’ critique of knowledge imply about social sciences? Should social sciences be thrown out entirely, or do you see ways in which they can be used?
Habermas’ critique of knowledge implies about social sciences that we don’t need them because he feels that it blinds its own conditions of knowledge. It uncritically places itself fully within the political and economic framework of modernity and then claims to express objective truth or knowledge. He feels the main problem is that the social science model has bought into the wrong part of the universe is empirical and objective.
I think social sciences should be thrown out because I