Australia’s contribution to WW1 formed the legend of a Nation. WW1 occurred only a few years after the Federation of Australia, so the opportunity to prove that Australia could work as one had arisen. Australia decided to go to war to assist their motherland (Britain) and to prove themselves as an independent Nation. This showed loyalty and respect for Britain and increased popularity of Australia to foreign countries.
Australia’s first casualty occurred in New Guinea and continued in the Middle East, the Pacific Ocean and the Western Front. The Battle of Fromelles occurred on the Western Front North of the Somme, where Australian soldiers built up from the ground using sandbags to …show more content…
Australia and South Africa were the only two countries who sent civilian armies to war. Therefore, any male who looked over the legal age to go to war would be forced or pressured by the community in doing so. Many males who didn’t go to war would receive white feathers, which symbolised being cowardly. WW1 halted importation for Australia, which meant a lot of business that was aimed at the home market expanded their horizons and flourished Australia’s economy. One advantage Australia had, was the production of steel which could no longer be imported from Belgium or Germany. This stimulated the production of steel, causing the construction of 66 000 rails to expand Australia’s railway network. WW1 had negative societal impacts but had positive economic growth and worldwide