The importance of knowing ASL and the deaf culture is an important aspect in the lives of Deaf people. The Deaf community has been accepted in society and have situated locations for their well-being. Holcomb writes, “ Deaf communities are concentrated in locations where there is support for quality lives for Deaf people. The kind of support many Deaf people find appealing may include schools for the deaf, Deaf clubs, service agencies, and employment options...This function of the Deaf community remains as strong today as it did generations ago, and continues to serve as a powerful magnet for deaf people seeking better lives for themselves” (p. 21). Deaf culture has had opened doors and have accomodate with different cultures and learned to live just like the rest of the world. Holcomb continues, “ Many different facets are associated with being deaf, making it practically impossible to describe a “typical” deaf person. One reason is that a person’s hearing level represents only a small part of who he or she is” (p.