Essay On Freezing Of Hypothermia

Words: 545
Pages: 3

Trust is something most people expect from their doctors. Although in today’s generation we do not have to worry about our doctors not telling us what procedure they will be doing, where as it was a big issue during the Holocaust. Many doctors kept their patients in the dark about plenty of things medical related when it came to what procedures to be done on that patient.
Freezing of hypothermia experiments were mostly done to men to try and replicate the same conditions the army were believed to have suffered on the battle front. This experiment had two different uses. First was to understand how long it takes someone’s body temperature to lower to the point of death. The second was to see how to resuscitate the victim the correct way once they were frozen. Freezing the victims were done by putting the person in ice cold water or making the patient sit outside naked in freezing or below freezing temperatures.
A far more known experiment were the experiments on twins. A doctor named Mengele inspected the twins very carefully measuring every inch of their bodies. Dr. Mengele insisted that is each patient was not thoroughly examined then the staff or prisoner doctor
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Any other ethnicity or race requirements that were not met were to be killed through genocide. Hitler and the German High Command insisted the Nazis follow a list of rules for people wanting to get married to submit to testing to ensure they would conceive the correct race or ethnicity of children. Research was conducted to see just why all the other races were not as important. They measured heads, eyes, noses, and blood. Gypsies along with all other races except Nazis were shown to have different blood hinting they were subject to criminal behavior. Once camps were started it was time to experiment. The first was to refine the master race and the second was to determine the cause of