Essay On Going Back To Wellpinit

Words: 456
Pages: 2

Junior went through many events throughout the story that could have caused him to grow and mature, but one major event was when his grandmother passed away. In the story, Junior says, “I was so depressed I thought about dropping out of Reardan. I thought about going back to Wellpinit.” This shows that even though his grandma had just passed away and he wanted to go back to his old school and face the students and teachers at the school. From this, it can show that Junior was brave enough to go back to Reardan and even though he was going through a hard time, he tried many new things and went out of his comfort zone.

One moment in my life that has contributed to my coming of age was when my dad passed away. Going through a loss like this at a young age can be very confusing. And with that, having to adjust to a large change in a short amount of time is hard to understand. Going through a family loss can be a very eye-opening experience, with having to open up and tell people how you’re feeling after such a traumatic loss. The pain and grief that comes with losing a loved one really makes us think about our current relationships and priorities. The process of grief and trying to find yourself is definitely a coming-of-age journey in which you have to grow and mature.
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In the beginning, Junior explains that Rowdy is already angry and not very understanding, so when Rowdy punches Junior because he is moving schools, takes a toll on Junior with the process of changing schools because he doesn’t have anybody to talk to because all of the students at Reardan judge him until he puts himself out there and meets new people. Even at the end of the story, Junior said, “Rowdy was never going to change.” So, he never apologized for fighting with Junior and ignoring