3. Indigent:
Synonyms: penniless, poverty-stricken, destitute
Examples used in Sentences:
A. Robert Spangenberg, the country's leading authority on indigent-defense programs, says the country spent about $1 billion on indigent defense in 1986, or about $200 per case -- a "totally inadequate" figure, he says. The quality of indigent defense varies state to state, from quite good to reprehensible. Spangenberg says that it would cost the State of Florida, to cite one example, about $25 million a year to properly handle its backlog of capital appeals alone.
Alan Berlow. The Atlantic Monthly; November 1999; The Wrong Man - 99.11 (Part Four); Volume 284, No. 5; page 66-91. N.p. 23 Feb. 2012 .
B. “In early 1935 the City of Los Angeles established a Committee on Indigent Alien Transients, which reflected the bias of the city. Astonishingly, the committee openly defined an indigent alien transient 'as being a transient entering the state of California without visible means of support and whose legal residence is foreign to the state of California.
Friedersdor, Conor. "Off the Bookshelf: When Los Angeles Tried to Secede." The Atlantic. Web. N.p. 23 Feb. 2012. .
C. There the Court reversed a murder conviction because the suspect confessed after being denied access to his lawyer. The Court left open the question whether indigent suspects--some two thirds of those arrested--were entitled to similar protection. This question was answered affirmatively in Miranda.
Cipes, Robert. "Crime, Confessions, and The Court - 66.09." The Atlantic — News and Analysis on Politics, Business, Culture, Technology, National, International, and Life – TheAtlantic.com. N.p. Web. 23 Feb. 2012. .
24. Incumbent:
Synonyms: mandatory, necessary
Examples used in Sentences:
A. Yes, it stinks to be an incumbent this year, but the truth is 90% of congressional incumbents will probably be reelected. Our system can only tolerate a bum turnover rate of about 10 percent a cycle, even when the "Throw The Bums Out" mentality is driving voter preferences. How is Arlen Specter like Bob Bennett? How is Bob Bennett like Allan Mollohan? How is Blanche Lincoln like Charlie Crist?
Ambinder, Marc. "Which Type of Incumbent Is Truly in Danger?" The Atlantic. Web. N.p. 23 Feb. 2012. .
B. "The average American doesn't realize how much of the laws are written by lobbyists" to protect incumbent interests, Google CEO Eric Schmidt told Atlantic editor James Bennet at the Washington Ideas Forum. "It's shocking how the system actually works."
Thompson, Derek. "Google's CEO: 'The Laws Are Written by Lobbyists'" The Atlantic. Web. N.p. 23 Feb. 2012. .
C. In Idaho's contentious first-district contest between the Republican incumbent, Helen Chenoweth, and the Democratic challenger, Daniel Williams, almost 50 percent of Chenoweth's and 80 percent of Williams's large individual donations came from outside their district.
Dahlman, Carl Thor. "Outside Influence - 01.01." The Atlantic — News and Analysis on Politics, Business, Culture, Technology, National, International, and Life – TheAtlantic.com. N.p. Web. 23 Feb. 2012. .
31. Allege:
Synonyms: claim, contend
Examples used in Sentences:
A. Is it true, as many allege that racial bias is pervasive in the prosecution of crimes, especially drug offenses, and the infliction of punishments, especially the death penalty? To the extent that these claims are true, what remedies are proper? How can one tell whether an attorney is making a racial appeal to jurors, and if such an appeal is being made, how should the legal system respond?
Kennedy, Randall. "77 North Washington Street-May 97." The Atlantic — News and Analysis on Politics, Business, Culture, Technology, National, International, and Life – TheAtlantic.com. N.p. Web. 23 Feb. 2012. .
B. The action comes in response to complaints from domestic manufacturers, who allege that much of the dry