When the children were integrated into mainstream schools, they struggled with adjusting to the Eurocentric education system, and with non-Indigenous peers who discriminated against them for being Indigenous (Hanson 4). The residential school system set an epidemic foundation for domestic abuse and violence against Indigenous women and children. Generations of Indigenous children grew up without nurturing family lives and as adults many of the survivors who only experienced abuse, abused their children and family members. The feeling the sense of worthless, instilled in the survivors by attending residential school contributed to very low self-esteem (Hanson 5). In turn, manifested into high rates of alcoholism, drug addiction, and suicide. According to Hanson, the number one case of death is suicide and self-inflicted injures (5). Intergenerational trauma is definitely a key issue that affects the lives of a large number of Indigenous people in Canada; the Indigenous people have unique histories and have had various aspects of trauma affects, it definitely affects the lives of Indigenous people in Canada (U of Calgary