Essay On Lin Manuel Miranda

Words: 995
Pages: 4

In the play “Hamilton” by Lin-Manuel Miranda is a Broadway musical that tells the story of Alexander Hamilton, one of America's founding fathers. The music is catchy and the lyrics are something else and some of the performances are mind- blowing. Some of the actors go above and beyond in a single play. It’s a mix of singing and acting. The music genres are a mix of hip-hop and traditional music; it makes it a little more interesting to watch. Two members of the artistic team who made a positive difference to me in the play were Lin-Manuel Miranda’s, the creator and the star of Hamilton, and Thomas Kail, the director. Lin-Manuel Miranda’s talented writing and music skills, as well as the acting for the main character of Alexander Hamilton, left a lasting impression. Thomas Kail’s directing …show more content…
Bringing history and modern storytelling together is a great idea. The basic plot of Hamilton is about the life of Alexander Hamilton and his journey from being an orphan in the Caribbean to becoming George Washington's right hand man during the American revolution. The play shows Hamilton's role in the nation’s financial system and his relationship with other historical figures like Aaron Burr and Thomas Jefferson, as well as the personal struggles he faced. Not only does it talk about Hamilton’s life, but his contributions talk about the themes of ambition, legacy, and the complexities of history. It wants to educate and inspire audiences with the music choices and storytelling. The theme is showing the power of complexity. By exploring how one's actions and decisions can have consequences for themselves and the nation. Hamilton is trying to encourage us that our lives can make an impact and that impact will be left behind, meaning to become the person that we chose to be that is willing to take risks and fight for their