Children in the concrete operational stage are also able to combine relations to understand certain conclusions. This is called transitivity, which can be explained by imagining three sticks. Let’s call each stick A, B, and C. A is longer than B, and B is longer than C. Therefore, A must be longer than C. Concrete operational thinkers understand how to do this, but preoperational thinkers do not.
The memory strategies I primarily use are rehearsal and organization. These two memory strategies are the most effective in my case because most of my classes have a lot of vocabulary words and concepts. These two strategies have been very beneficial when studying for past exams or quizzes. My GPA is currently a 4.0 so I would say using the memorization strategies rehearsal and organization have made a direct impact in my learning as well as my grades. Three examples of these two strategies can be seen when I start preparing for final exams. One I will undoubtedly use is rehearsal. My roommate and I have almost every class together, so we study for those classes together as well. Usually, we make notecards for each chapter that is being covered on a test and then we have to go over each set by ourselves so that