Essay On The First Amendment

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Pages: 4

The First Amendment states that were not supposed to make any law that proscribes the free exercise of religion, but is it true that we can practice liberation of religion. What justifications does the US regime and the mass media have to validate their infringements of the First Amendment against South Asian Muslims? Maira verbally expressed in her essay that there were numerous breaches against Muslims, American Muslims and anyone bearing a Muslim name or garb, and their religion, which incremented after 9/11. Is not this a contravention of the first amendment; you may argue that their reasons for profiling is just but there is no concrete proof to verify this. The regime is manipulating the mass media to execute the credence of Americans …show more content…
Is it because the Caucasians were trepidations of the vigor of another ethnic group or the erudition of the group, or the fact that it was humanly erroneous to treat someone in such a vile manner? The regime did not anticipate the edification limits of the African-Americans or of the South East Asian Muslims but haplessly Uncle Sam still victoriously triumphed. Due to mass media and the acts, consequences of the acts, and the reason abaft these acts, the American public was facilely convinced that these ethnic groups were a threat. Should the regime authentically be proficient in executing the offences of the Patriot Act, and then they require holding themselves accountable for the inequitable treatment against the Native Americans? The consequences of them holding themselves accountable would be internment camps, immigration infringements, and “driving while white,” but then that would denote deportation of Caucasians back to England and admitting that they were erroneous to surmount a country that was not theirs in the first place. Admittance by Christopher Columbus that he did in fact re-discover the Americas, and the inequitable treatment of Africans by taking them out of their own country perforce to another to be treated