The brigade’s Establish Civil Security LOE has specific objectives that the brigade has to accomplish to achieve the endstate of a safe and secure environment. These objectives of protect the population and infrastructure and recruit/ train security forces are essential in setting the conditions to achieve the endstate of civil security. The protection of the local populace as well and infrastructure will allow the local people to return back to normalcy. Recruiting and training its security forces …show more content…
These tasks can also be measures of performance (MOP) for objective: neutralize insurgency. Within FM 3-07, JP 5-0, and ADRP 3-07, lines of effort links multiple tasks using logic, shaping a cause and effect purpose to hone into establishing operational and strategic objectives. An example of a measure of performance to confirm or deny that we accomplished the objective for this LOE would be are the number of attacks reduced against the local populace and key infrastructure. The measure of effectiveness (MOE) to verify/ validate the results that we want to achieve would be number of insurgents within the AO is decreased, reducing the