Ethical Arguments Against Euthanasia

Words: 1399
Pages: 6

Q) For this paper, you are to choose one of the ethical problems included in chapter 13, “Applied Ethics: A Sampler” (a chapter in your textbook that we are otherwise not covering in class). Then, having chosen one of the ethical problems discussed, write your paper (1) identifying and clarifying that problem, (2) identifying the most common ethical solutions which have been offered for that problem, and (3) defending the solution that you think is best. This is the outline I expect you to follow. This paper must be 5-6 double spaced typed pages in length, excluding the attached “Works Cited” page, using size 12 point font (the size font you are reading in this syllabus). It must also use one inch margins on all four sides of each page. Note: a few lines typed of page 5 does not make a 5 page paper.

In this research paper I am going to write about euthanasia as a right to choose, how can I identify and clarify the problem, what are the most common ethical solution which have been offered for the problem and defending the solution that I think is best. One of the most controversial and debating topic in today's society is euthanasia. It is not just a medical ethical problem, it also has philosophical, legal, religious and political dimensions. It is illegal all over the world except Netherland is the only
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Society therefore should not have the right or the capability to deny intellectual quality or intellectual choice. This has two implications: No one has the right to destroy intellectual quality, and therefore involuntary euthanasia performed on a person capable of independent thought cannot be allowed, even for the sake of societal good. Second, society cannot deny the right of a person to make an intellectual decision to end their life, even if that denial would be better for