“I am the Lord, Your God” shall be a remembrance to who created Heaven and Earth, whom giveth and can taketh away, etc. “Lord” is the proper name that establishes God. This commandment clearly …show more content…
In most religions, it’s a strict rule to not committing adultery. In today’s society, it’s a sin but became normal in human life. It also means you shouldn’t have an outside relation while married or in other words “cheat”. In today’s society, this commandment is often broken.
My next commandment is “Thou shalt not steal” which states that you should forbid from taking someone's values/goods for no reason or without permission. You should demand respect to private property. Basically saying you should respect others property like you would want them to respect yours. You should never forget God’s provision for us. Be thankful for what you have instead of taking from others.
The final commandment “Respect your elders” simply states that you should respect one's older than you. Some examples are as a child, holding doors, giving up seats, showing kindness, giving up seats for them, etc. Most people say that not respecting your elders can cause a shorter life. In my opinion, you should be respectful by saying yes ma’am, no ma’am, yes sir, and no sir. Our elders are here to help us prepare for our