Ethics Of Legalizing Marijuana

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Pages: 8


Cocaine, alcohol, and marijuana have become an intricate part of the American

scene. A significant percentage of our population has tried or even uses these drugs on a regular

basis. The ethics of drug use have been the subject of debate for the past fifty plus years, from a

physician prescribing tranquilizers to someone suffering from nervous problems, depression or

the inability to sleep and calling them medications.

However, in moderation use of drugs, has been exacerbated; drugs, legal and illegal

are prevalent today. Along with drug experimentation, the habitual use of prescription and/or

illegal drugs that have reached epic numbers, linked with addiction, early deaths, and even

criminal behavior.

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Ethics of Marijuana
Ethical concerns cast a huge cloud over economic gains of legalized marijuana.
Questions and concerns regarding long term use of marijuana and subsequent addiction, resulting in mental health issues or even an increase in criminal behavior, these important issues have not been properly addressed nor documented by the DEA since marijuana is considered a
Schedule I drug, defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. Schedule I drugs are the most dangerous drugs of all the drug schedules with potentially severe psychological or physical dependence (Carroll). Therefore, more data is needed to determine whether occasional, consistent or excessive marijuana use affects people and its societal impact. There needs to be defined, enforceable guidelines or laws dictating this industry, its product and acceptable, responsible behavior and ramifications for consumers.
Nothing should be left for one to assume.
According to Harris, he is concerned the effects of the use of recreational marijuana can impact road safety. He noted that users can purchase and carry up to an ounce of
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Carroll asserts, as humans, we are expected to use rational reasoning when we interact

in society; a code of behavior, a code of ethics, especially if the state you reside in has accepted

and recognized the recreational use and medicinal value of marijuana. Realistically, there are

always those, in legalized states, who use marijuana, for the feeling of euphoria, or just smoke

because they can and those that suffer from chronic pain.

However, the “in moderation” use of drugs has been exacerbated; drugs, legal and illegal

are prevalent today. The habitual use of prescription and/or illegal drugs along with drug

experimentation has reached epic numbers, linked with addiction, early deaths, and criminality.

Humans are responsible for their actions in society, whether driving a vehicle, attending a

school, or any event of social interaction. In everyday life, people should be able to have

feelings of security and reassurance that they are in a safe environment without suffering any

ramifications from drug-induced individuals.

The Upside to the Legalization of Marijuana The states that have legalized marijuana for medical and recreational use