Ethnocentrism: Co-Sleeping And Sudden Infant Sleep Patterns

Words: 536
Pages: 3

Ethnocentrism is defined as viewing other cultures while comparing that culture to one’s own to deem what is proper or correct. Seeing ones culture as the superior one and the only culture to follow is something to avoid. On the other side of the spectrum, cultural relativism is the method of understanding other cultures practices without judgement. Cultural relativism helps others to understand different sleeping patterns of infants around the world such as co-sleeping and sleeping alone while ethnocentrism works to build hate for each for not being the “norm” of society.
The practice of sleeping in the same bed with one’s infant is known as co-sleeping. Co-sleep is a cultural habit usually associated with in countries such as Asia, Africa,
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The practice of letting an infant sleep alone has been mainly used in European and North American countries, with the thought that sleeping with an infant would lead to lack of privacy for parents. Letting a young baby sleep alone could also lead to SIDS, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, which is where a baby usually four to six months stops breathing and dies while asleep. Allowing young children to sleep alone and not with a parent or family members is said to boost independency for growth and development.
When it comes to ethnocentrism around the world it is a heavy factor in deciding on a sleep method to choose. In North American the big debate between parents, especially mothers, is whether or not to sleep with an infant or allow for the infant to sleep alone. For example families who come from undeveloped countries might sleep with their babies due to lack of space or not having the money for separate bedding. Some people who might have more privilege could see this as alien and strange comparing how someone else of a different culture to their societal norm. With Cultural relativism a person who does not sleep with their infant might notice someone who has a different cultural practice might sleep with their baby and find this interesting but not odd compared to their own