Eulogy For Curley's Wife

Words: 595
Pages: 3

Curley I was born in California, around 1908. My father had been working on a ranch before my late grandfather passed away due to natural causes. My grandfather's passing meant my father would become the head of the ranch. That would mean that I one day would be the boss. Many people looked down on me for my small figure, but I think they were just dumb-witted idiots who didn't do a thing or two. I quickly started my training if you'd say because of everyone trying to get a fast one on me, so I trained like hell and didn't quit at it. I became a beast of a beast. I had gone from merely 120 pounds to 185 and I couldn't care what people thought about me now because a thing my father told me was to beat their face in if you didn't like them. I …show more content…
I couldn't get enough of her, so I married her. It was simpler said than done. I began putting in extra hours to pay for the future. We wanted children, a big house, and what we wanted when we wanted as if we were king and queen, but she didn't like the idea of not seeing me, which you could say was the demise of our relationship, because my woman didn't understand that money doesn't fall off trees. So I told her, "I'm going to work that damn ranch and if you don't like it, maybe you can start making the money." The conversation ended with her weeping all over the town and me chasing her so she did not go runnin' to that slick back bastard Slim. Work wasn't that bad because of all the sorry suckers that were working for me, I did do work don't get me wrong but they would get on my case about my glove slathered with Vaseline. Those suckers didn't get it because all of them were wireless and I needed my hands to be gentle on my wife. But I bet you those sorry workers would have done whatever their crummy little hands on my wife and if it was any of them I know it would be Slim because that man didn't care about anyone but himself, mark my words he is doing the devil's work and we all are just letting it