One of the driving forces behind European imperialism was the art of countries trying to compete with each other to show who owned the most land or was the strongest country of them all also known as political. Document A shows the territory owned by the strongest European countries. How did they separate so efficiently? All the white europeans were invited to a special conference to finally divide up and claim their territory. Where were the africans during this conference? None of the africans were invited to attend this special event. Document C also shows power of political because the whites were the first to invent the repeating rifle and …show more content…
Document E clearly shows the amount of resources and materials being exported for africa. Europeans increased the amount of exports by nearly 7x back in 1854 to 1900. What were some of the things being exported? In Document D, the most expensive on the list is gold and diamonds. The most useful was cotton since England, european country, invented the cotton gin and was ahead of the game in producing cotton. All of these resources were being taken away from the helpless africans for free to bring back to Europe to double the profits being