Essay about Evaluation: East Bay English

Submitted By chea-wasouskii
Words: 900
Pages: 4

Darchea Wiley
CSU, East Bay
English 802­15/16 March 11,2015 CSU, East Bay English Department
Music Building, Room 2579
25800 Carlos Bee Blvd.
Hayward, CA 94542 Dear English Department at CSUEB, Coming into college straight from high school wasn’t very easy, and it was a huge step for me especially because majority of my family members did not attend college and those who did usually dropped out during their freshman year and I did not want to continue the cycle of
“dropouts”. Because of the slim number of family members that attended college didn't fully commit to college, they couldn't tell me what to fully expect. One thing I did know for sure coming into college was that if I wanted to become a forensic scientist, before all of the fun math classes and cool science labs, I was to first get through english which was not my best subject. The purpose of this letter is to not only reflect on my growing progress as a writer, but how being in english 802 changed my viewpoint on myself as a future scholar and I will be doing so with the aid of two papers that I wrote during my fall and winter quarter. My first two quarters as a freshman at CSUEB were very nerve wracking and stressful, I literally almost convinced myself that I was going to drop out because I was not used to all of the homework and studying I was required to do in order to pass a test, or write a great paper.
The High Schools, or schools at that that I attended before CSUEB, the teachers didn't so much care if you passed or not and majority of the teachers I had had poor teaching skills especially my english teacher; therefore I lacked in essential knowledge and study skills I was going to need for my later college english class. What ended up making me get a handle on myself was knowing that I wasn’t alone, according to New
York City’s high school progress reports last October, just
25 percent of students graduating from the city’s high schools in
2011 were prepared for college coursework
. That meant I was part of the 75% that wasnt ready, and I know it sounds like something that no one would like to see themselves in, but throughout the year I was to use it as motivation to show to myself that It is possible to become better than I was before and achieve greater goals. In my high school english class I wasn't really graded on my writing, I was just graded on the fact that I turned it in; I also never really learned how to properly write an english paper, that is why I felt like I struggled the most in english. The very first paper I was required to write in my Class this year was a personal narrative about the neighborhood I grew up in, I wasn't very familiar with writing a narrative but what I did know was that it was a story about experiences we’ve had, so with that being said I went ahead and wrote a story about the neighborhood I lived in, and if you take a look

at it, you are able to see that I did not format it the right way,which was MLA format, and it resembled something a jr high student would write, there is little sense of structure and foundation, and little detail, and honestly, the neighborhood I lived in was so much more than what I

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