As seen in this excerpt, “‘It’s in the heart,’ she said, ‘and in how you do things and how you do things is because of who you are’”, she believes a person’s heart constructs their personality and life. (O’Connor 451). She believes the very way a person is born and looks defines who they are, and their identity cannot be changed. According to her way of thinking, Julian’s mother’s opinions and actions are due to her heart and the way her world used to be. She favors the past and desires the social classes to return to the way they once were. When observing behavior similar to Julian’s mother, people and their opinions often clash. Since everyone is different and has different views, one cannot say that what they think is the only right and acceptable opinion. One single person on this planet cannot decide for everyone else what should be done and praised and what should not be done and should be taboo. So when people like Julian’s mother share their discriminatory beliefs, no one can really reprimand them. Privileges such as freedom of speech and free will entitle prejudiced people to their beliefs, no matter how unkind or unfair they may