no mortal could support the horror of that countenance. A mummy again endued with animation could not be so hideous as that wretch. I had gazed on him while unfinished: he was ugly".From the start of the creations birth Doctor Frankenstein miss treated and ignored the creation (I). He called him ugly and ran him out of his life, and that caused the monster to fill up with hate and evil because he didn't know why his own creator would do such a thing (I, cc I). The creation learns how strong he is (I)."Nothing in human shape could have destroyed that fair child. He was the murderer!".The creation uses his strength for good when he sees a family's crops are frozen into the ground and he pulls the crops out during the night but once he gets angry he knows he can use his powers to cause harm like when he killed William (I, cc I) .He dosent learn to control his anger and strength because he was thrown out of Frankensteins life and he is the only one that could have possibly thought him how to control his strength. Theses are the reasons why the creation was bread evil and not born with evil (I).The creation never wanted to do any harm but society did not exept him, his own "father" showed hatred towards him and he figured out his strength. If the creation would have been shown love or been excepted he would have been more loving instead of evil, the creation would have been more good instead