The size of the PIEDs market has not been properly established as research on the use of PIEDS is quite limited. However, based on law enforcement data, it is clear that it has expanded quite rapidly:
• An increase in border seizures (2,695 in 2009-10 to 5,561 in 2010-11: 106 percent increase)
• 255% increase between 2010 and 2011 of the amount of hormones detected
• Number and weight of steroid seizures in 2011-12 recorded at highest in 10 years
• Drugs used for medical treatment are claimed to manipulate the body’s hormonal systems and are now recognized as PIEDs (eg. Peptides & IGF-1)
• PIEDs occurs mostly in younger males, with the increase in body image considerations
• PIEDs are more readily available through various legitimate personal and fitness avenues (eg. Gyms, compliant doctors)
• Various methods used to import PIEDs into Australia (i.e. Post, carriage, persons)
• Internationally organized crime groups are heavily involved in trafficking of PIEDs, with groups such as the Italian Mafia and Russian organized crime groups trafficking PIEDs across Europe, thus increasing presence in the trafficking of PIEDS in Australia
• Criminal identities planning to expand peptide and medical use drugs market
• The PIEDs market poses a huge threat on the integrity of Australian professional sport as a result of direct interaction with athletes
Firearm Trafficking
Accessing firearms for criminals has increased. The illicit market ensures that firearms are readily available and can be traded, sold and moved around. It complicates the process of ‘tracing’ to its’ original source or owner.
Two types of illicit markets