Essay about Exam: Trade Union and Employee Voice

Submitted By ZoeAtik1
Words: 787
Pages: 4

| |4HR002 Introduction to People at Work |
| |“Employee Voice” Webquest |
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| |Use this website for an electronic version of the webquest with up-to-date links: |
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| |Introduction |
| |Do you have views and opinions? Do you expect your current or future employer to be interested in those views? How will they find out |
| |what you think? And will they take your views into account when taking important decisions about the company? Who will speak on your |
| |behalf and represent your interests in the workplace? These and other questions may be answered by doing the following Webquest. |
| |Today you are considering the issue of “Employee Voice” in the workplace. You will discover what it means, why it is one of the most |
| |important issues in any workplace, and some of the different perspectives which exist on it. |
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| |The Task |
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| |Your task is to find out what “Employee Voice” means, why it is important, and some of the different ways in which organizations |
| |ensure it might be taken seriously. You will be visiting a range of websites to gather views, ideas and information to enable you to |
| |answer the questions posed. Working together in your groups, you should discuss your answers and bring them back to class next week |
| |for discussion with the whole group. |
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