Example Of Rhetorical Analysis

Words: 416
Pages: 2

Babson College Babson Park, MA 02457.

April 10, 2024

Professor Leonard Hollister Hall, 326 Babson College, Babson Park, MA 02457.

Dear Professor Leonard,

First, I wanted to express my appreciation for the opportunity to remediate my Literacy Narrative entitled, “My Last Chance at Winning in English.” I have chosen to write and record a song with a friend of mine who is also in the “Rocket Pitches” a cappella group, Dalton Fitzpatrick, courtesy of your suggestion when we met. In my Literacy Narrative, I write about how I learned to appeal to my audience’s emotions more, so instead of simply telling people about my writing career, I decided to make an overarching message of time going by too fast for my intended audience of college students