Examples Of Escapism In 'The Grapes Of Wrath'

Words: 516
Pages: 3

Question #1

What is the significance of Jacob's dream? How is the author possibly foreshadowing future events?

Answer #1 In the events of the first 4 Chapters, we are introduced to our main character “Jacob” and his grandfather. In the events of chapter 2 we the reader discover that Jacob's grandfather was mentally unwell and that he passes away; the exact cause of his death is unknown and for now remains as a mystery. After Jacob finds his deceased grandfather, he spotted a mysterious creature in the woods that causes him to have vivid dreams depicting specific events ( a creature attacking his grandfather ) that causes Jacob to journey the strange island in hopes of finding and unraveling the secrets and mysteries of his family. I believe that Jacob's dreams are foreshadowing the peculiar kids/monsters that are later discovered in the book. Evidence in
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This could be Jacob's subconscious preparing him to see this creature in the real world.

Question #2

Instead of attending his grandpa‘s funeral, Jacob escapes into his video game. Look up the word escapism and write down the definition. Why do you think he does this? What are some other examples of escapism in our culture?

Answer #2 Escapism Definition “The tendency to escape from daily reality or routine by indulging in daydreaming, fantasy, or entertainment.” In the text it is clear to see that Jacob is not yet over the death of his grandfather and is stuck in the loop of escapism through video games. This is hinted to the reader in chapter #3 by Jacob's recurring dreams about