Examples Of Heroism In The Hobbit

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Pages: 4

“A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.” (Christopher Reeve). From the nordic poems of Ragnar Lothbrok to the comic book Captain America, heroes inspire and give hope to people all through human history. The qualities that make up a hero are well known and people have created a stereotype for heroes, like Superman. In the book, The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien explores what it means to be a hero with the character of Bilbo Baggins, a gentle hobbit. Bilbo Baggins exhibits three major character traits of a hero, selflessness, courage, and persistence.
Selflessness is the quality of concern for the welfare of others over one’s own welfare. This is a necessary of a hero. If a “hero” wouldn’t save someone because they would get hurt, they wouldn’t be called a hero but a coward. Biblo shows his selflessness by giving the Arkenstone to Bard and the Elvenking. Bilbo does this in
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Bilbo shows courage while killing spiders in the Mirkwood forest. Up until this point in the book Bilbo gets out of each predicament by pure luck, Killing the spider is a monumental moment for Bilbo. “Somehow the killing of the giant spider, all alone by himself in the dark without the help of the wizard or the dwarves of of anyone else, made a great difference to Mr.Baggins. He felt... much fiercer.”(155). This is the moment where Bilbo Baggins goes from a adventure fearing hobbit, to the burglar that the company hired. Later, Bilbo talks with Smaug, the dragon who steals the dwarves’ gold, and Bilbo’s courage doesn’t fail. Bilbo goes back to the treasure room, Smaug slowing gets Bilbo to reveal important details about the company. Smaug starts to turn Bilbo against the dwarves, “He was in grievous danger of coming under the dragonspell. But plucking up courage he spoke again”(222). Bilbo’s courage doesn’t fail him, and he doesn’t turn against his