Examples Of Informative Speech About Lung Diseases

Words: 198
Pages: 1

We will tell you all about how we learned about lung diseases and how to get them. We knew lung diseases have been brutal all around the world. Some of them have no cure.Sam: My grandma died from lung cancer because she smoked. Lung cancer is just one disease that has little or no cure.
Sam: When I went skiing in Colorado, a lot of people told me I should get used to the state. He was surrounded by Marijuana smokers at a skiing resort, at one point and he was terrified. He had no idea what Marijuana looked like or smelled like and it was nasty; He left immediately.
We all know that noodles know a lot of people who smoke; Sam and Drayden’s grandpa's smoked tobacco, so they had a chance to get lung cancer or a lung disease.
Now, we all know