He is a thief. When he is in Scotland, he “stole money outright from his brother-in-law” (p.9), which makes “[his] good reputation lay in ruin” (p.9). To avoid the scandal and social judgement, he moves to Canada and conceal the truth from his wife. He is a rule breaker. As a Mountie, he cannot discipline himself. He “[drinks] in uniform” (p.66), which makes a bad image to the Mountie. He also is a liar. He uses lies to cover up the previous lies. To persuade his lover to date with him, Jessie Patterson, who meets him in Canada, he lies to her. He says that “[his] wife passed away before he left the old country [Scotland]” (p.31). In order to hide his secret love to his wife, he decides to shoot her even though she is pregnant - “a boy child inside her” (p.79). John Wilson is disaffected, because his action of steal, broken rule, lies and