Examples Of Vaulting Ambition In Macbeth

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Pages: 1

Macbeth was a man founded on principals. He loved the king and so did everyone else. He had no reason to betray the King until his wife put in his mind the power he could have if he took out the king. Macbeth himself even states that there is no reason he could or should kill the king because for starters, everyone in Scotland loves the king and he was doing a great job (I.7.1-28). He also mentioned that being his subject and his host that he should be protecting him, not being the person that kills him (I.7.1-28). In fact, the only reason that he gives to kill the king is his “‘vaulting ambition’” (I.7.1-28). Macbeth offers no other valid or legitimate reason for killing the king. Lady Macbeth even mocks his manhood when he says he does not