To: Course Instructors - Sheryl Elliott and Kristi Long
From: [Cookie Yichun Ding]
Re: [Topic#5 Poverty Reduction Strategy and Tourism Issues in Africa]
Date: October 7th 2014
This executive memo will point out three major issues and problems of tourism poverty reduction in Africa and also will provide the specific solutions at the same time. During the past years, tourism industry plays a significant role for Africa poverty reduction. It will continue making the great contribution to improving Africa economics and bring benefits to African people, in the future. Nevertheless, the following issues of tourism as a property reduction strategy in Africa cannot be ignored.
Major Issues:
1. The instability social environment …show more content…
Personal security, property safety and health factors are the fundamentals of choosing a travel destination. However, the endless conflicts and wars of boundaries and natural resources between different Africa countries result in the instability social environment for a tourism industry. Simultaneously, African countries long-term ongoing civil wars between races and religions also have the direct impacts on the sustainability of tourism rules, policies, and regulations. As a traveler, no one prefers to spend valuable time in an insecurity destination. The local people also do not want to suffering from the pain of war and poverty.
2. Scarcity of professional and well-trained tourism education and training
As a part of service industry, tour guide or information service staffs have to be well trained before they start working at this industry. People who working in this industry as an entry level position might not be required for advanced degree or higher education background in many countries and areas. Nevertheless, the elementary level education of Africa is still deficiency, how people possible to have opportunities to get the professional education and training for tourism industry. Here is Facts on Education in Africa:
• Primary school enrollment in African countries is among the lowest in the world.
• 33 million primary school-aged children in Sub-Saharan Africa …show more content…
The convenient public transportation, such as bus, train, subway and taxi will lend traveler great experiences to explore the country. Comfortable and secure accommodations, star hotels and local special home-stays might be offered the most unforgettable experiences of the whole trip. Whereas, according to multiple statistics and data demonstrated that the majority of African countries infrastructure is deficient due to economic crisis, shortage of human capital and variety reasons. It is also one of the most serious problem need to be concerned. Here is some date about infrastructure construction in