Science Process Skills Demonstrated Required Artifacts
Generate related focused questions that guide my research What do I already know?
Generating Search Terms
Background Research Plan
Parent Signature
What do I already know? Rubric Total _____________________/3
Did the student… Yes (1 point)
Describe at least five things they already know?
Make at least three predictions or guesses?
Wonder about at least three ideas?
Generate Key Words Rubric Total _____________________/5 …show more content…
Generate a list of synonyms for each key word?
Generate a list of related words for each key word?
Background Research Plan Rubric Total _____________/30
Did the student… Yes (1 point)
Identify at least 9 key words? X 9
Use the questions word table to generate at least 15 research questions? X 15
Cross out irrelevant questions?
Generate one or more questions specifically about any equipment, formulas, or techniques needed to perform the experiment? X 3
Generate questions that give information needed to design an experiment and predict the outcome? X 3
I have reviewed the science process skills, required artifacts, rubric, and due dates listed on this page with my child.
Parent Signature: ________________________________________________________ Can I conduct background research?
Directions: In order to conduct background research you MUST have an approved science fair topic. Follow the steps below to determine if your topic was approved.
1. Go to page 14.
2. At the bottom of the page there is a box that shows if your topic has been approved.
3. Complete the box