Explain 2.4 Programs To Promote Talent Development

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Pages: 3

2.4 Programmes to enable talent development
The types of programmes that organisations utilise to develop talent fall into four categories:
i. Formal talent development program.
Formal talent development program covers a broad spectrum of techniques including concept development and program-based skills, personal growth development, based on feedback by the development and focused action by development (Conger, 2010). The majority of the formal program designed to enhance skills and behaviour generic. This type of program is usually targeted at middle and senior managers and technical talent category / professionals. Action-learning interventions are usually directed to a group of talent management and are designed to improve the generic skills
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This is considered the most significant relationships, including partners, senior manager, customer and supplier. They are considered important in the context of development talent because they have helped talented employees saw a new perspective and understanding of the issues larger picture. Relationship development conceptualized by Higgins and Kram (2001) some relationships where people take an active interest and action to advance the careers of other individuals. They provide a variety of functions such as the development of sponsorship, coaching, mentoring, psycho-social support and career advice. Relationship development is increasingly used to develop high-potential talent. Development relationship strategies presents some significant challenges for the organization, finding the appropriate number of individuals who can perform the job as coach and mentor, certain gender issues when matching mentor and mentee. Higgins et al. (2010) have emphasized the important role of faith may explain both the structure and quality of the individual network development. Lombardozzi and Casey (2008) found that the relationship development process involves repeated interaction between certain activities learning designer-led, student-led activities, interaction with others and action learning and cognitive processing. They represent an important and effective approach to developing talent for …show more content…
The contingent nature of the organization's work shows that the approach to talent development also needs to focus on non-formal and informal where it made some important differences between the progress of informal, incidental or implied. The construction is not planned informal, ad-hoc without results indicated. It is primarily the experience. They saw it as a sub-category of informal learning. The development consists of implicit learning that occurs independent of the conscious effort to learn. Informal learning is structured in terms of learning outcomes and considered as intentional development and that there is no such thing as formal learning as any person can lead to learning. With a growing emphasis on the perspective of social capital and collective learning process, the process of developing talent unofficially become more used and