Explain Why Going To War Was A Good Idea Of 9/11

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Pages: 5

Going into war after the attack of September 11, 2001 was a good choice. My first reason of to why going into war was a splendid idea is that the terrorist’s mission was to attack the White House but luckily was stopped. Also the terrorist attacked and destroyed the World Trade Center (Twin Towers). Lastly the last reason to why going into war was a good idea is because they attacked the Pentagon as well. That is why I think going to war was a good idea.

First of all, my first reason to why the war after the attack in 9/11 was a good idea is because the terrorist’s mission was to attack the White House but luckily was stopped. According to Flight 93 “United Airlines Flight 93 was the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania, short of its alleged target, the Capital. The widespread
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#1). By Capital it was meant as Washington DC. Their target was to crash into the White House. In the same way Admin had another statement similar to Flight 93. “Knowing that there was little chance for their own survival, passengers said goodbye to families and friends and rushed the terrorists. In an effort to throw off the people who were trying to pull him from the controls, the terrorist flying the plane rocked it back and forth, then gave up any attempt to reach his destination. He rolled the plane onto its back, screaming, “Mohammed is the greatest!” into the radio as the plane drove into the ground near Shanksville, Pennsylvania” (Admin par. 12). This basically says how the passengers were the ones who stopped the plane after they found out that the terrorist were on the plane going towards the Capital. Also