Explain Why It Is Important To Raise Children's Achievement In Early Language Development

Words: 1538
Pages: 7

that ECAT aims to:
• Raise children’s achievement in early language development.
• Increase practitioner knowledge and understanding of children’s early language development and how to support it.
• Increase parental understanding of and involvement in their children’s language development.
ECAT proves that to help a child develop to the best of their abilities nurture is needed as much as nature. This is shown by the official programme being set up in response to research, which found that more than 50% of children upon starting school education have some speech, language and communication needs. Therefore, nurture is needed to help improve the children’s development.

At birth a baby will respond to familiar voices and sounds, the baby will
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The ‘back to sleep’ campaign began in 1992 to protect babies from cot death. Parents would place their babies on their backs during waking hours which will slow the baby’s develop down. This is because their neck muscles will not be holding the baby’s head up and the baby will not be trying to reach objects. This is why the procedure is ‘back to sleep’ ‘prone to play’. This also helps to remind practitioners that baby’s require tummy time.
At birth a baby has already developed a few gross and fine gross motor skills. The baby is able to lie supine and when they are placed on their front they can turn their head to one side. The baby’s hands will be tightly closed the majority of the time and by one month the baby may be able to grasp their parent/carer’s finger.
At 18 months the child is able to walk confidently and stop without falling, the child will be able to climb onto an adult chair and turn around to sit. They are able to thread large beads, use pincer grasp to pick up smaller objects, and build a tower using several blocks.
An average 3 year old can jump from a small step; walk backwards, sideways and tiptoe. They can control a pencil using a dynamic tripod grasp when drawing pictures and copying shapes and can use scissors to cut