Explain Why Some Immigrants Are More Brave Than Their Western Counterparts

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Pages: 3

Immigrants Are More Brave Than Their Western Counterparts

Immigrants are the most industrious entrepreneurs. However they are also far less successful with their business than the natives of the Western countries.
For example, seven out of ten immigrants declare bankruptcy within the company's first five years. But for the Danes the figure is five out of ten. Moreover, immigrants' businesses, in Western countries, have significantly lower sales, fewer employees and fewer exports than the natives’ entrepreneurial firms.

It's a shame, because there is a huge potential among immigrants. They are generally more brave and willing to start their own business. Which western countries could learn a lot about. But unfortunately, after a few years, most of immigrants’ companies perform worse than their western counterparts and have a way more difficult time to survive. And there is not much guidance to find from various entrepreneurial organizations.
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4.9 out of 1,000 immigrants are entrepreneurs compared to 2.7 in 1,000 Danes. The answer to immigrants' lower success rate is that they often found business at a very young age and without any training nor proper education. Furthermore they often establish a company within the branches retail and the restaurant sector - like as greengrocers, newsagents or pizza men- where competition is extremely aggressive. The reason for the many companies within the above branches is most likely that the entrepreneur doesn’t have an education. But as I said, there is an enormous amount in the area. Moreover, the growth opportunities are strictly limited. Growth businesses are mostly found in the knowledge-intensive