Essay about Extreme Make Over Criminal Court Edition

Submitted By bunni4917
Words: 402
Pages: 2

Extreme Make
Over Criminal
Court Edition
By: Tashianna Harris & Shirley

 Extreme

make over criminal court edition was written by john Schwartz. Its about John Ditullio being a Nazi member and having Nazi tattoo and have to cover it up and removed before his trial.
John was sentence life in prison for first degree and attempted murder in 2006.

 "It

also gives us a very special, secret pleasure to see how unaware the people around us are of what is really happening to them." ---Hitler

What's a Nazi tattoo?

A member of the fascist National
Socialist German Workers' Party, which was founded in 1919 and seized political control in Germany in 1933 under Adolf

Someone who thinks or acts like a Nazi, showing racism, brutality.

Main Idea of the selection:
 Ditullio

having to get his offensive Nazi tattoo removed before his trial.

biographical information:


Born in 1965 in New York City
American Novelist
Spouse: Aleksandra Cranpanzano
Children: Garrick Schwartz
Books he wrote: Bicycle days “1989”, Reservation Road “1992”,
The commoner
“2007” and Claire Marvel “2002”
Education: Manhattan Country School, Choate Rosemary and
Harvard University

Summary of the selection
 John

Ditullio haves he's tattoos removed. jurors will not see the large
Nazi tattoo on his neck on the trial date.
He was charged double stabbing that wounded a woman and killed a teenager in 2006.


Threatening; because John Ditullio is a threat to others.

Target audience of the