Eyewitness Misidentification Research Paper

Words: 1370
Pages: 6

Within the complex framework of the criminal justice system, eyewitness testimony frequently serves as a fundamental element, exerting a substantial impact on the verdict of cases. Despite its perceived reliability, eyewitness identification is extremely prone to error, resulting in numerous wrongful convictions and ruined lives. The fallibility of human memory, along with extrinsic variables such as stress, suggestion, and time itself, can alter memories beyond recognition. Understanding the gravity of this situation is critical not only for obtaining justice, but also for protecting innocent people from the horrifying repercussions of misidentification. As a result, this paper will dig into the complexities of eyewitness misidentification, exploring its causes, …show more content…
By instructing witnesses on the possibility that the perpetrator may not be present in the lineup and emphasizing the importance of selecting the person who most closely resembles the perpetrator, witnesses are less likely to feel pressured to make an identification and more inclined to carefully evaluate each lineup member (Eyewitness Misidentification, 2022). By implementing these reforms, jurisdictions can bolster the reliability of eyewitness identification and reduce the risk of wrongful convictions, ultimately contributing to a more just and equitable criminal justice system. Alternate points of view regarding eyewitness misidentification may contest the severity of the problem or the necessity of specific reforms. Some arguments against the extent of the issue might suggest that while misidentifications do occur, they are relatively rare compared to the total number of identifications made by witnesses. These perspectives emphasize that eyewitness testimony, when properly handled and corroborated with other evidence, remains a valuable tool in criminal