F. Scott Fitzgerald's Alice: A Narrative Fiction

Words: 1018
Pages: 5

Alice is in her room getting ready for school. She has natural black hair but, she dyed it dark pink. Alice is light skin and has long black nails. Alice dyed her hair pink when she turned 15. Years ago, Alice father walked out on her and her mother when Alice was only 5. Alice blames herself and her mother. Her mother Gloria is a lawyer. Gloria is trying her best to be a understanding mother for Alice but doesn’t know anything going on in Alice head. Alice always seems to shut her out. Alice went downstairs gathering stuff for school. Gloria smiled saying" hey I made pancakes." "no thanks" Alice says searching for something in her bag. "how about some orange juice?" she said pouring a glass. "have you seen my phone?" Alice asked In a hurry. …show more content…
Gloria said" oh, need a ride?" Alice said" sure." Gloria dropped Alice at school. Alice got out the car walking inside the school. "Alice!" shouted Mandy. I walked over seeing the sharks. The sharks is my group. There's Mandy, party girl, Justin, Mandy's boyfriend the hacker, Blaze the leader and my boyfriend and me the adventurous. Mandy hugs me than Justin. "hey, my girl what's up." Justin said releasing me. "hey, have you guys seen Blaze?" I asked. Mandy said shaking her head" no." Justin said pointing behind me seeing Blaze walking towards us" there he is." I turned. Blaze smiled saying" hey." he hugged Mandy and did his headshake with Justin. I looked at him crossing my arm upset. "what?" he asked. I said "where were you?" he said "huh?" I said" I called you a few times and you didn’t respond to any of my messages." he said" I was doin something." I made a fake smirked saying" sure you were." I walked away upset. Blaze caught up with Alice trying to calm her down" look I don’t know what happen or what I did but, I'm sorry." he turned me around. I said" I haven't heard from you in two days and I needed you." he grabbed my hand saying" hey, what happened? Baby, talk to …show more content…
He knew where her body was at but, he so called found it." I said getting mad. Leo was chuckling. I said" what's so funny?" he said" you. Gloria you have been on this case for weeks. I get that you don’t trust him but its not your job. You’re a lawyer defend your clients and win that case. I said" how am I suppose to win this case when all this crap prove him guilty. No thanks Leo but I know the judge hearing this crap, is just going to show him guilty without evidence proving he's not." he said" than ask more questions. There's no proof you're client is guilty and there's no proof he's not guilty. So don't worry too much." I said sighing" you're right." he said smiling" you know I never get tiered of hearing that." I smiled" so how is everything?" he said" good. I'm meeting Trina's parents this Saturday." I smiled" nervous?" he said" yeah." I said" don’t be you're the most wonderful, sweetest, caring and talented guy I know." he smiled" you think so?" "yeah." I smiled. I smiles looking down. Leo said clearing his throat" how's Alice?" I said" good I think." he said" haven't bent in trouble lately?" I said shaking my head" no, not yet anyway." we smiled. (phone ringing) Leo smiled saying" is that Alice