Another example of a fine motor skill I observed was the 3-year-old drawing on a board with markers. While his father held the board, the child scribbled on the board and started to draw objects such as a dinosaur and a ball. By doing this, he was exercising his coordination as well as grip as he held the markers. Another aspect of physical development is a child’s gross motor skills, which were observed when my 6-year-old nephew was walking around the living room and went into the kitchen to grab a cookie. Gross motor skills involve the larger muscles that produce major body movements, which are used as balance and coordination to walk back and forth from the kitchen. Another example of gross motor movements in the children was when the 3-year-old played catch using a frisbee toy with his mother. She sat on the couch, and he stood in the middle of the living room, he was able to exercise gross motor movements as we caught the toy, aimed it, and tossed the toy back to his mother. Another aspect of development observed was cognitive, which I observed as my 3-year-old nephew identifying numbers on a set of fish