In today’s fast paced world delivering news to the public is extremely important. Many Americans rely on the media to get the most accurate and current news that they can rely on. When a big breaking story hits the stands we have many options to access the big story. We can access the big story by local news channels, internet, news papers, and many new electronics like our cell phones. Media can have disadvantage and many advantages as well. The advantages of media today are that we can get our information so fast and have many options on how to access the media. The disadvantages to media are that media can be spread so fast that the words can ruin a celebrity or even the news channel. Once a comment is out in the public it is so hard to take back and most likely it will be protrude wrong.
Recently I had a reporter that was fabricating and making up false facts for stories. Although our ratings have increased when the reporter was confronted regarding the false statements our rating dropped to an all time low. Anything negative that can impact a news stations can spread fast to others. So in no time our news station was being blasted all over the other competitive news stations letting everyone know about the false reporting. At that time I knew that an action needed to be taken. I called for a live conference to face the ugly truth.
Within several hours we were schedule for a live news conference with the reporter that was accused of false statements. I had a meeting with the reporter prior to the conference and asked him why with the false statements. I had expresses my disappointment regarding the false statements and provided that the reporter has one more chance to clear the air with these false statements. The report then stated that he was getting his information from a non trusted site where others post information from celebrities that are close to them. Reporter also wanted to have the best information so that our ratings would be higher than our competitors.
The news conference I stated that we apologize for the information that was fasley reported but we want our audience to trust that we as a popular news station is providing the most up to date and accurate information to the public. We have taken full responsibility for the reporter who reported false information and in return this situation will not happen again. In order to make sure that this situation does not happen again we will begin to proof read our reporters information prior to posting to the public. Also we will need to make sure that all our resources are reliable. This kind of false statments can hurt the reputation of any news station.
We will have to work extremely hard to prove that out news stations is risible and trustworthy. The responsibilities of media today have come a long way from about twenty years ago. With all the new technology developed, media is much easier to access. The responsibilities of the news stations and news anchors are very important since so many Americas rely on the information given.
Part Two-
Our media reflects our movies and television in ways that we would have never thought of several years ago. Everything that we watch today in some