Fahrenheit 451 Unit 6 Creative Writing

Words: 510
Pages: 3

We were also informed that we weren’t referring to them as enforcers. We didn’t like using their words apparently. They were them calling Crashers now because of their “burst in” methods, which sounded much better to me. It was nice for us and our enemy to be named, even if the names were a little unimaginative and uninspired. Like any revolution, we were tired and on a time crunch, we couldn’t think of great names to call our events, leave that to the history books. You show me a revolution where all the groups involved were given exceptionally creative names and I’ll show you a work of fiction.
They then concluded the meeting by telling us that there would be another meeting tomorrow and to bring as many people as possible. So we all dispersed, leaving the meeting in peace. We all checked both ways before crossing the street and slowly and subtly crawled back into our houses, disappearing into the night.
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It was very relaxing to finally wake up after a full night of sleep. I slept well because I knew everything was going to turn out alright. I didn’t have proof, I didn’t know anything for certain at all, but I just had this gut feeling when I went to bed the night before that things would turn out well.
I looked out the window to make sure they were gone. They must be looking for me now, I wasn’t exactly careful to make sure I wasn’t seen. This town is covered in video cameras, surely they knew my face by