The first line stated that God was the maker of man, which we made sure to note that he is called a man-maker. Just like a baker who makes, God also has a specific title. The second line shows that God is a maker with a glass. The glass is a metaphor. If we thought of the glass being filled with something, such as water, we must see that it is actually full of blessings. God, the maker, is dramatic and pours in the blessings into what will soon be someone. Allowing myself to imagine being God makes me picture him as a chef. He is putting all his ingredients into a bowl that will soon be baked and made into something. We see him put in his ingredients of strength, wisdom, beauty and pleasure. However, God sees there is one blessing left, rest. He chooses to keep rest because he knew that if he gave man everything, he would adore his own self, instead of his God who created him this