Garmon was very effective. She made all of the students sit correctly. She made the students listen. She made sure they knew she was in control, but she was not aggressive in anyway. No conflict arose while I was there. She did make two students write their name on the board for not listening to her. Mrs. Garmon was organized. She had centers in every corner. She had plenty of storage areas and cubbies for the students. Her desk was a little crowded, but isn’t every teachers!
I learned so much from observing in Mrs. Garmon’s classroom. She was an incredible example of what a teacher should be like. She was a great leader. Se showed me how to keep control of the class. She showed me how to teach effectively even with didn’t students who learn at different pace. She taught the students in group and individually. I hope to mimic her teaching skills. Her students were so bright. They knew everything she asked. This experience was very eye-opening, helpful, and