Grand Canyon University: NRS-
Abstract: Health care providers care for many different individuals with a vast array of cultural values and religious beliefs. In the clinical setting it is an important aspect of spiritual care to be aware of the patient’s cultural and spiritual preferences and allow the patient to observe their practices when possible to encourage healing. Comparison and contrast will be discussed in this paper from the Christians perspective versus those of Buddhist, Muslims, and Native American Spirituality faiths.
Practicing healthcare in a diverse clinical setting brings the health care worker into contact with many different people from varying cultural and spiritual backgrounds. Embracing the differences in religious observations and allowing practice of valued spiritual beliefs by the patient is an important aspect of spiritual care. In order to provide holistic care, cultural, and spiritual diversity need to be embraced. This paper will compare and contrast the differences between Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, and Native American Spirituality and the views each holds regarding health care.
Christianity literally means “follower of Christ”, one professing their belief that Jesus is the son of God and follower of his teachings (What is a Christian, 2014). The Bible has many examples of Jesus healing the sick, giving sight to the blind and saving souls. Christians believe God can heal at any time for anyone. In Luke 8:43-48 Contemporary English Version a women is healed for a bleeding disorder she had suffered with for twelve years, by touching Jesus garment. Christians use pray to connect to God and have a direct relationship which by faith allows believers to communicate their needs. A Christian’s faith in prayer is a fundamental practice the believer can be assured in by accounts in the Bible and witness form other Christians that God hears our prayers ad has supreme power to heal.
Buddhism is not thought of as a religion in the normal Western sense of religions, but as a path of practice and spirituality leading to the insight of true reality (The Buddhist Center, N.D.). Based on the teaching of Siddhartha Gautama “Buddha” which means “The Awakened One” characterized by wisdom, compassion and freedom. Buddhist believes nothing is fixed or permanent, all actions have consequences, and change is possible. Life is a process of constant change. Changing one’s mind is the way to healing. Meditation is a practice used by Buddhist as a means to change the mind. Meditation techniques encourage concentration, clarity, emotional positivity and seeing the true nature of reality clearly. Buddhist are concerned with ethics, to them living is an act and every action can be beneficial of harmful. The core ethical code concise of five precepts: not killing or causing harm to other living beings, not taking the not given, avoiding sexual misconduct, avoiding false speech, and abstaining from drink and drugs that cloud the mind( The Buddhist Center,N.D.). Karma is also a strong belief Buddhist’s hold, believing that things both said and done will affect their futures. To avoid bad karma one must be free from greed, anger, and thoughts of jealousy. When a Buddhist’s dies it is tradition that their body is taken home for a three day period, extensive prayers are said to facilitate the Buddhist conscious letting go of the body to move on to the rebirth in the next life(Buddhist Beliefs and Practices Affecting Healthcare, 2010)
Comparing Buddhism to Christianity, Buddhism is thought to be 500years older the Christianity. Christianity believes in God and Jesus is the son of God sent to die for our sins, was resurrected from the dead and will one day return from those that believe in him and they will have eternal life with him in heaven. Buddhist follows the teaching of a mortal man with no Supreme power to save their souls. Christians believe in the Ten Commandments as a