First it is important to understand that industrialization is more so a complex era than a single event. The main direct effects industrialization had in Russia are: A growing population, a growing working class, and urbanization. As population grew and working class grew there was a greater demand for higher wages and more resources. However due to the slow growing economy in the empire the growth of the economy could not keep up with the demand for higher wages. Ultimate many people continued to lack food, and the working class grew poor. This created the base for working class revolution in Russia. An indirect result of a larger working class and urbanization was a larger more organized middle class of intellectuals. As cities grow it becomes easier for intellectuals to organize, unite and share ideas. Art and literature also grew popular amongst intellectuals, readings by Karl Marx and other intellectuals such as Lenin grew in popularity and grew in influence. A growing urban middle class of intelectuals sought more voince in politics. The industrialization age served as a catalyst for both working class and middle class people unifying in revolution anc