Farewell To Arms Dialectical Journal Essay

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Pages: 8

1.What was fresh in Crane's approach to writing about war was is that Crane really helps you visualize what war was really like. Crane shows you what the people feelings and thoughts were while they at war. Most people never really think about what others are going through when they are at war but Crane basically exposes the truth about what it actually feels like and going on. From Chapter VIII it says,"His mind flew in all directions. He conceived the two armies to be at each other panther fashion. He listened for a time. Then he began to run in the direction of the battle. He saw that it was an ironical thing for him to be running thus toward that which he had been at such. 82 pains to avoid. But he said, in substance, to himself that if …show more content…
Each passage is different in its effect on the reader because in each passage, you see everybody personality in each passage which is why I think the passage is different in its effect. From Chapter XVI it says, "Later, the cannon had entered the dispute. In the fog-filled air their voices made a thudding sound. The reverberations were continued. This part of the world led a strange, battleful existence.The youth's regiment was marched to relieve a command that had lain long in some damp trenches. The men took positions behind a curving line of rifle pits that had been turned up, like a large furrow, along the line of woods. Before them was a level stretch, peopled with short, deformed stumps. From the woods beyond came the dull popping of the skirmishers and pickets, firing in the fog. From the right came the noise of a terrific fracas.he men cuddled behind the small embankment and sat in easy attitudes awaiting their turn. Many had their backs to the firing. The youth's friend lay down, buried his face in his 154 arms, and almost instantly, it seemed, he was in a deep sleep." The Red Badge of Courage is different Chancellorsville because The Red Badge of Courage is not written in first person and Chancellorsville was written in first