For my first interview I talked to a student named Isaiah, who drives every day to and from Pierce College. One of the first questions I inquired upon is how much trouble he has leaving the parking lot everyday after classes. “Honestly I struggle often. My mom needs me home at a certain time everyday for she is a single mother and I need to be home to take care of my brothers and sisters while she works to help support our family and my education.” Next, I followed up with the question about if any changes could be made to the traffic on Farwest Drive what changes would he propose and how would they help. “If I were to think logically I would think about either making it so the parking lot exits a three way stop along the street or the installation of a traffic light there. Both could help alter the traffic flow allowing the cars trapped at the left turns time to turn and make it through the intersection safely.” Another interview I acquired was with a faculty member at Pierce College who chose to remain anonymous for personal reasons. I asked this faculty member the same set of questions and to which she responded, “I have a strong dislike for the parking lots at this college. Everyday after eight hours I wait at that intersection for what seems like twenty