Fastest Marigold Flower Research Paper

Words: 911
Pages: 4

Have you ever wondered what light source can germinate the fastest and grow the tallest Marigold flower? In Macer’s Herbal, a manuscript on the healing properties of plants, marigolds were said to draw evil humours out of the head and strengthen the eyesight.
I wanted to do this experiment to help current and future gardeners make the right light source choice in order to grow the tallest Marigold flower. In photosynthesis, light is a very important source of energy used by plants.
Marigold flowers are an easy to grow flower with a variety of colors. They can be anywhere from pale yellow, orange, and even red. Marigold flowers can tolerate any condition, although for the best results you will want to grow them in rich and well-drained soil. They grow best in dry or moist soil. They can grow in any climate, but love the heat. Marigold seeds
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Full sun means the flower needs at least 5 hours of light per day. Marigolds can grow in a variety of sizes from miniature, 6 to 12 inches tall, to giant, reaching about 3 feet tall or 25 to 30 inches tall. Planting a Marigold indoors, the flower will need to be planted 1/8th of an inch in depth in order to sprout in less than a week. They do not require regular watering, but if grown in containers they will be to watered daily, since containers dry out quickly. Although water is needed in photosynthesis for energy, overwatering can cause seeds to rot instead of grow. It takes Marigolds 3 to 4 days to germinate, begin to grow and put out shoots after a period of dormancy, a period in an organism's life cycle when growth and development are temporarily stopped, but may take longer depending on if the location is cooler. All seeds have cells that grow when the germination process occurs, by temperature, light and moisture. Oxygen is a vital part in the germination process, until the plant grows leaves and can use solar energy.