Fatherlessness Research Paper

Words: 1192
Pages: 5


Growing up without a father figure is an increasing problem in America. The ramifications that occur because of this issue are the generations of boys who are at higher risk of experiencing a number of problems. Here are some of the following problems that adverse boys’ success in life, poverty , drug and alcohol abuse, low educational achievement , physical and emotional health, and increased likelihood to participate in crime and go to jail. These are all conducted studies that compare fatherless boy to boys who live in a two parent household. A boy could also suffer these consequences or similar consequences if he has a father but is not emotionally present in the life of a boy or not an active father in his life. The purpose
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A study of 50 separate studies of juvenile crime revealed that delinquency in father absent homes was 10-15 percent higher than two-parent homes. (source: A meta analysis of the impact of broken homes 1991). You can observe this in our own city of Montclair. Juvenile crime is active in this city and can be linked to fatherlessness or of an emotionally absent father. You compare this behavior to the neighboring city of Claremont you do not see this type of behavior. Also, the poverty in that city is significantly lower , adding to my point of crime and poverty going hand in hand. A study of adolescents convicted of homicide in adult court found that at the time of the crimes , 42.9 percent of their parents had never been married, 29.5 percent were divorced and 8.9 percent were separated. Less than 20 percent of these children were from married parent …show more content…
Drug and alcohol abuse is significantly higher in father absent homes. Researchers at Columbia University found that children living in a two-parent household with a poor relationship with their father are 68 percent more likely to smoke , drink , or use drugs compared to all teens in two-parent households. Teens in single mother households are at a 30 percent higher risk than those in two-parent households. The U.S department of Health and Human services has even stated that “ Fatherless children are at a dramatically greater risk of drug and alcohol abuse” (Source: U.S Department). Children in single-parent homes were also twice as likely to have a psychiatric disease , have alcohol related problems, and were up to four times more likely to abuse drugs, says study researcher Gunilla Ringback Weitoft, MD , of the Centre for Epidemiology at the National Board of Health and Welfare in Stockholm , Sweden. ( Source: Gunilla Ringback Weitoft MD). This is not an epidemic that goes on only in the united states , but also affects other countries around the