Fayette Drug Court Case Study

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Pages: 7

Fayette Drug Court, located in Lexington, KY, was created in order to target individuals who are addicted to drugs. People who are eligible for drug court are court ordered by a drug court judge. In this program, participants are required to: willing to be randomly drug tested at any moment, attend meetings (AA or NA), groups lead by drug court recovery coordinators, complete homework/writing assignments given by case worker, be employed and present legitimate pay stubs; meet with caseworkers and recovery coordinators, attend court, be home by curfew.
Participants that do not follow drug court policies or catch new charges while in drug court—drug court judges and staff have the power to impose sanctions. Sanctions can vary from having to serve a jail sanction, do community service, or doing an extra writing assignment, depending on the severity of the situation. If participants refuse these terms and do not cooperate, then termination of the participant can occur. Before being admitted into drug court, participants are required to have at least 2 years “back-up” time, which is time in jail that the participant must serve if he or she is terminated.
The purpose of Fayette County Drug Court and, other specialty courts, is to help individuals in the criminal justice system live a drug-free
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As humans, we naturally model behavior that we learn from learned behavior and observing others around us. People are easily influenced by others around them and their behaviors. The Social Learning Theory suggests that one observes certain behaviors of others, they too may choose to repeat such behavior—and it may not always be positive. For instance, if an individual is exposed to heavy amounts of drug use they may be inclined to repeat the behavior. (Horvath, Misra, Epner, & Cooper,